
Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Health Food Review: Bolthouse Green Goodness

From the website: "Bolthouse Farms® Green Goodness® starts with wheat grass, spirulina, spinach and blue-green algae. We add apples, kiwis, mangos, bananas, pineapples and dragon fruit to make it a good source of iron and Vitamin B6, naturally rich in Vitamins A, C, and B12, and packed with powerful phytonutrients found in nature's most nutritious greens.
  • Blend of 8 delicious juices/purees.
  • Packed with 14 powerful nutrients delivering unmatched healthy green phytonutrients.
  • No preservatives and nothing artificial.
  • Flash pasteurized and cold-filled for longer shelf life and superior nutrition.
  • 100% Juice, 100% Natural and no sugar added.
  • Gluten free."

The colour of this drink can understandably put anyone off, but once you take that first sip, you will soon become addicted. Although this juice contains many kinds of potent vegetables, the first thing I noticed was the taste of tart apples, the drink is overall very sweet, but that doesn't hide the tart taste.
This drink tastes more like it is a fruit juice concoction and not a fruit and vegetable juice mixture, although the slight vegetable taste will be stronger for those who are new to these types of drinks. This juice is more like a smoothie rather than a juice, but does not have a gritty texture. As well, one cup of this juice is pretty filling, I wouldn't use this juice as a meal replacement, but drinking one cup of this instead of eating a chocolate bar would leave you feeling physically more satisfied, while consuming less calories. What really makes this juice worth drinking is the amount of vitamins and minerals even one serving contains, as shown below. 
At the end of the day this juice is just good, I don't find it to be spectacular, it's tastes good, but there are also better tasting juices out there that have the same nutritional value and similar vitamin and mineral content. 

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